Shantou University (STU)

Shantou University (STU), founded in 1981 with the approval of the State Council, is a key comprehensive university under the "211 Project" in Guangdong Province, and the only institution of higher education in the Chao-Shan area that has provided tens of thousands of local residents with higher learning. Its campus covers a total area of 1.28 km2 with the floor space comprising 406,000 M2.ZFpYIhzVU|%V8[
Since its inception, STU has enjoyed the great support and generous donations from Mr. Li Ka-shing, a distinguished international entrepreneur and social philanthropist. It is the only university in China that has received long-time funding from the Li Ka Shing Foundation, which has amounted to over HK $ 3.1billion./(`Cc%)]LB1?W5A@#
STU is strongly supported by the Central, Provincial and Municipal authorities. Comrade Jiang Zemin paid two visits to the University and wrote an inscription, “The mission is demanding and the journey ahead is long” as praise and encouragement to the staff and students. Other leaders of the Central Government, including Hu Jintao, Li Peng, Qiao Shi, Li Ruihuan and Li Lanqing, have also graced the University with their inspection visits.M}!ei+dl9ZxaCy|`tNr